Sunday, March 2, 2014

A few words on fonts

We are constantly surrounded by words. Billboards, T-shirts, bumper stickers, warning labels, street signs, marquees, logos, newspapers, fliers, instructions, maps and innumerable other things use words to communicate ideas both simple and complex.
Everywhere, at all times there are words vying for our attention.
Fonts help catch our attention. They can alter our mood or affect our attitude toward a message without us ever knowing.
Fonts can remind us of a certain product or place or put us in mind of a certain time period.

A few words in the right font can put us in mind of a Dr. Seuss book or the Star Wars movies.
Fonts also affect how credible we find a source to be.

A font like Baskerville or Helvetica conveys far more credibility than my chaotic scrawl or fonts like Chalkduster and Comic Sans.
Fonts can set the tone in simple ways we might never notice.

A variety of fonts available in Microsoft Word

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